Service Review - Howlong Swimming Pool - Have your Say!

Howlong Pool Tiered Supervision Model
A service delivery review has been undertaken of the Howlong Swimming Pool which considers options for service delivery models that align with existing practices across Council's range of public pool facilities.
Council has endorsed the Tiered Supervision Model as the preferred model for the Howlong Swimming Pool. 
Council is seeking feedback from the community and pool stakeholders before implementing the new service delivery model.
You are encouraged to view the recommended service model provided below as an E-Book or download the PDF file.
Provide you feedback by completing the survey below, or provide your submission in writing addressed to the General Manager, Federation Council, PO Box 77, Corowa, NSW 2646 or by email to
Submissions will be received until 5.00pm on Friday 20, September 2024. 


Service Delivery Model Options


Click here to view form.