Integrated Development Application - Answerth Drive Oaklands
Proposal: Seeking approval for the use of buildings within the existing Oaklands Demilitarisation Facility.
Property: Lot 2, DP 0031060, 1 ANSWERTH DRIVE OAKLANDS
Applicant: Federation Council
Consent Authority: Federation Council
In accordance with Council’s public Notification Policy regarding Development Applications the above application is on public exhibition from 03/10/2024 to 30/10/2024 inclusive.
Any person may inspect this application and accompanying documentation at the following Federation Council locations from now until 30/10/2024:
Any person interested in making a submission should do so in writing addressed to the General Manager, Federation Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or email to
Submissions will be received up to 5:00pm on 30/10/2024. Where a submission is by way of an objection, the grounds of the objections are required to be specified in the submission.
If you require further information please contact Council’s planning section on 02 6033 8999.