Plans & Strategies
In accordance with the Local Government Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework, Council has adopted its Corporate plans including the 10 year Community Strategic Plan 2023-32, 4 year Delivery Program and Operational Plans 2023-2026, and Resourcing Strategy inclusive of long term Financial Plan, Workforce Management Strategy and Asset Management Strategy.
These plans set the direction of Council and are prepared in accordance with the NSW Local Government Act.
Council’s corporate planning documents are listed below:
- Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 810KB) - outlines how Council delivers services from infrastructure including roads, bridges, footpaths, water and sewerage services, buildings, caravan Parks, saleyards, waste management centres, aerodrome and recreational assets.
- Workforce Management Strategy(PDF, 938KB) - is a four-year plan developed to support the implementation of medium to long term workforce strategies that align with and enhance Council’s Operational Plan and Delivery Program.
Councils Management Plans and other strategies are listed below:
- Alcohol Free Zones and prohibited areas 2021 - 2025(PDF, 3MB)
- Asset Management Plan 2022 - 2032(PDF, 930KB)
- Class 4 Noxious Weed Control Management Plan
- Community Participation Plan(PDF, 1MB)
- Companion Animals Management Plan(PDF, 989KB)
- Corowa pedestrian access and mobility Plan (pamp) 2011
- Corowa road safety Action Plan
- Corowa Foreshore Western Precinct Action Plan(PDF, 9MB)
- Corowa Foreshore Northern Precinct Action Plan(PDF, 7MB)
- Corowa Foreshore Southern Precinct Action Plan(PDF, 10MB)
- Corowa Foreshore Central Precinct Action Plan(PDF, 6MB)
- Development Control Plan
- Economic Development Strategy(PDF, 4MB)
- EEO Management Plan
- Emergency Management Plan
- Federation Disability Inclusion and Access Plan(PDF, 4MB) and Action Plan(PDF, 5MB)
- (PDF, 5MB)Floodplain Risk Management Study
- Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020-2040(PDF, 6MB)
- Melbourne Street Mulwala – design guidelines
- Melbourne Street Mulwala Streetscape Masterplan
- Mulwala Foreshore Public Open Space Master Plan(PDF, 4MB)
- Privacy Management Plan
- Regional Drought Resilience Plan Southern Riverina(PDF, 40MB)
- Road Maintenance Management Plan(PDF, 833KB)
- Strategic Asset Management Plan 2025-2035(PDF, 5MB)
- State of Our Council Infrastructure Assets Report 2022(PDF, 2MB)
- Waste Management Strategy (PDF, 24MB)