Corowa Saleyards

Corowa Store sale 3 Nov 11 22Thousand head 008 (1)-gen.jpg

The Corowa Saleyards is owned and managed by Federation Council and has been operating for more than sixty years.

The Corowa Saleyards has experienced consistent market growth over the last twenty years, at a time when the industry has faced a number of challenges including the impact of long term drought.

Recent upgrades to the facility, access and transport linkage improvements and strong management has ensured the Corowa Saleyards is one of the most highly regarded and utilised livestock facilities.


The Corowa Saleyards is located on Honour Ave, on the North-East outskirts of the Corowa township.

Property Identification Code (PIC)

The PIC for the Corowa Saleyards is NF991802. This code is required to be nominated on transportation documentation.

Sale day

Sale days are held each Monday commencing at 10.00am and attract agents, farmers and members of the general public. A number of special sales are also held throughout the year. 

Sheep and Goat Electronic Identification

NSW is currently transitioning to mandatory individual electronic identification for sheep and goats.
Individual electronic identification (eID) for sheep and goats is an enhancement to the existing mob-based system as part of the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).
Learn more from the NSW DPI website.



This highly successful facility is the fourth largest sheep and lamb livestock exchange facility in New South Wales and achieves an annual throughput of 700,000 sheep and lamb sales.

Sales have consistently grown at the Corowa Saleyards, having experienced a 36% increase over the last five years. 


Federation Council is pleased to provide the opportunity for businesses, community groups and organisations to purchase advertising space at the Corowa Saleyards.

The revenue raised from selling advertising space at the facility will be directly used to fund ongoing marketing initiatives to effectively promote the Corowa Saleyards.

Contact Council for additional information on advertising opportunities.

Truck Wash

The operating hours of the truck wash located at the Corowa Saleyards is;

Open: Sunday 10am until Wednesday 4pm.

The truck wash facility was designed to be used for sale yard livestock transporters only. It is not designed as a regional wash down location.

Water Standpipe

A water standpipe fill point is located at the Corowa Saleyards next to the wash down bay.

The standpipe dispenses water for both private and commercial water carters. 

Find out how to access the standpipe