Organisational Structure
Federation Council comprises of four departments, led by our executive management team.

Mr Adrian Butler
General Manager
Adrian Butler is the General Manager of Federation Council and is responsible for advocacy, leadership, executive and councillor support, civic activities, communication, engagement and Council's business brand marketing.

Ms Jo Shannon
Deputy General Manager/Chief Financial Officer
Jo Shannon is the Deputy General Manager/Chief Financial Officer at Federation Council and is responsible for corporate strategic planning, financial strategy and operations, mobile preschools, community services, community development, economic development, tourism, information services, customer services, people and culture and governance. Jo is a full member of CPA Australia and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Ms Susan Appleyard
Director Planning, Place and Sustainability
Susan Appleyard is the Director of Planning, Place and Sustainability at Federation Council and is responsible for strategic planning, building control, development assessment services, facilities management and maintenance, urban services and environmental services.
Mr Theo Panagopoulos
Director Engineering Services
Theo Panagopoulos is the Director of Engineering Services at Federation Council and is responsible for asset management, project management, road safety, utilities engineering, operational treatment of water and sewer, construction and maintenance of roads, bridges and drainage, waste services, cemeteries and parks and recreation.